Thursday, February 10, 2011

2011 / III. szám - FOREX day trading - English version I.

Kameloop, Shirkunbia megye, Pangrib 7:28 PM

First of all, I am standby for launch at next Wednesday toward to Lotheron Dragon SPOT.
Just a small technical issue is waiting for resolve, that I could not manage the payment of penalty fee for B/A, because is changing my ticket from17th to 16th of February. I have to fly from Pangrib to Fagyzuboly by WJ, collect my laguages, find the BA ticket office, and pay themes the fee.
Until the time of my departure from here ain't no serious jobs, so I have started to learn the FX daily trading.
Here are the rules, was erected before I begin the real trading.

1. Your investment must to be as value as you can loose without any further pain.
2. Never risk more than 5% of your total investment.
What does it mean?
The lot -
usually the lot is 100.000.- of foreign currency as base of trading. By the way at online spread
company micro lot can be less, almost 10.000,-.
The PIP -
is the smallest change of currency pair, for example EUR/USD change is 0.0001.
A part of online FX trade platform uses at trade lot, or ask an amount that align to PIP, means if amount is 1 EUR means 0.0001 move is 1 EUR, conclusion the lot is 10.000,- EUR because is 0.0001 movement you can win /loss 1 EUR.

Example: If you have a minimum of 500.- EUR investment, and your limited risk is 5% - 25 EUR, and your maximum stop loss is about 10 PIP form the position price, your amount can be 2.50,- EUR, arround 2.0,-.
The Lavarage - allows you the trade much more money that you have, as expands your profit or loss.
Usually the spread trade company allows you 1:100 rate, means with 500.- EUR deposit you can buy or sale EUR of amount 50,000.- EUR.

3. Stop loss requirement rule. You shall be use always a stop loss in the event of you open a position not even buy or sale position is it. The stop loss security is a mandatory, that shall complain the maximum percentage of total investment found rule.

4. Loss HOLD OVER Time
In the event of any realized loss during the trade, you shall keep following holdover time, whilst yoy are not authorized to trade.
1th loss - 15 min.
2nd loss - 30 mim.
3rd loss - 12 hours
Recommendation, but not a real mandatory. Do not deal a new position the first 15 minutes, from the time you have check in the system.

5. Margin requirement of Company
Be known very accurate how much is the Broker Company margin requirement. Do not deal lager open position than 30% of your deposit.

6. Entry and exit point - open long position if price goes up, short position if price goes down. Do not open position against the market movement.

To be continued....

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